Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Christmas and Skimboards

Skimboarding is a sport that is gaining momentum. It hasn't been all that popular since it was first invented and professionals boards weren't even being made until the 80's, when Victoria Skimboards came to be. Skimboarding has actually been around for most of the 20th century when people first used pieces of plywood to skim across the sand and waves.

There's two major types of skimboarding, there's inland and sand skimboarding. Inland skimboarding is becoming the new rave for kids during the summer time. Lets face it most of America's population doesn't live next to a beach however that doesn't stop kids from skimboarding on a lake, pond, puddle or even a river.

When you ask most kids what they want for Christmas it's safe to say that video games and movies are high on their list. Ask yourself this question though. Would you rather have your kids inside during the summer months playing video games and watching movies getting fat and overweight? Or would you rather have them out in the beautiful outdoors getting in shape and building social skills with other kids their age?

The answer is obvious.

Like we've said many times before, skimboarding is not a mainstream sport yet. However if other kids see your kid out there skimming across a puddle he or she is going to be the coolest kid on the block and all the kids will be begging their parents to buy them a skimboard.

Do yourself and your kids a favor this Christmas or on their next birthday and buy them a skimboard, not only will they stay in shape and not get fat but they'll be the coolest kid in the neighborhood cause most likely they'll be one of the few kids that actually has a good quality skimboard.

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